Pokémon Go: First super terms, now in the dozen cheaper

Heaven Here, what did not exist in Pokémon Go for drama around Maputo. Most fans will remember the great camp in August 2020 when Ni antic's people wanted to raise the spawn rate of the super-Governey Maputo as part of the Dragon Week — and it has not been done as the hardcore theorycrafter of Thesilphroad out there at that time.

We must seem to spool from there only one and a half years in the future to finally get what we want as fans: lots of Maputo!

Maputo in research breakthrough December 2021

The Maputo Reach has started in December 2021 with the research breakthrough in December 2021. Starting on the 1st of the month from 22:00 clock and until January 1, 2022, at 22:00 clock, a total of five Maputo from the reward box can be drawn — provided that you have already picked up the first on the 1st and are on profit maximization the end.

Logically, to collect the stickers for the research breakthrough, you have to do a field research on seven different days. Too bad that there is no encounter with Maputo this time (at least so far).

Maputo from 10 km eggs (adventure sync)

Over the entire season of the origin, which lasts until March 1, 2021, you can hatch Maputo with happiness from 10 km adventure sync eggs. However, these eggs are only once a week to the billing of the weekly adventure sync, which happens on Mondays at 09:00.

Say: You have the chance to exploit Maputo through the 10 km Adventure Sync Eggs. However, you have to fulfill a challenge: these 10 km adventure sync eggs will only get you when you return 50 kilometers through adventure sync during the week. We wish good luck with hatching, because next to Maputo may also hop child worm, Tunnel, Dating, Role or EF-EM from the egg.

A bonus: Maputo is also one of the ten Pokémon, which slips from a 12 km egg of Team Rocket.

Maputo about the Star Dust Challenge December 2021

It's the season of the origin, and it is December, so put it in the stuff and earns until 31.12.2021 at least 85,000-star dust, because then you get to the reward, you can already think of you, an encounter with Maputo. Too bad at the spot: none of the limelight hours in December 2021 offers a bonus on star dust. It also tries with the KeMpfliga, because...

Maputo about the Kampala season 10

If you reach the expert rank in the 10th season of the Kampala, which is active at least until March 2022, then you also get a Maputo in the collection. Understandable but if you do not go to the farm...

Do not you think that?

Given the rarity, the Maputo is usually in Pokémon Go, this is a blatant oversupply. Who is hunting for Maputo and is not striking now, then has to go to your own nose. ^^

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