LOL: The best champion of the game is preseason that breaks Riot Games's logic

The pre-season start is always the most chaotic era of League of Legends and things were not going to be different after the introduction of patch 12.22. The arrival of great changes and, above all, the introduction of new objects has created a conducive environment for some champions to be able to show an impossible domain in any other context. An absolute guarantee when winning games that all players can take advantage of over the coming weeks until Riot Games decides to cut our wings once and for all.

The champion who is sweeping the new League of Legends

Havana in Jungle's position has become the most powerful choice of League of Legends with much difference. Taking into account all skill levels, the champion has won about 55.3% of the more than 23,400 games in which it has appeared. The figure allows us to take some data very seriously that we can only define as disproportionate. However, the most striking thing about these records is that they do not even reflect the true power of the champion, since there is a specific object that makes it particularly powerful.


He is a strong champion in general terms that can be used with ice Lovelace, night harvester or heart of steel. However, Havana's brightest version is the one used by the latter object. The new tank item is a perfect match for the character that raises his victory expectations up to 59.4% (we never remember to have ever seen such high fact). To a large extent, this is due to the disproportionate amount of damage that the new champion can inflict by combining the passive of the heart of steel with the activation of its Q (double bite). It is something that simply, power too much as a fighter.

In fact, the heart of steel has become one of the most problematic objects of the 2023 pre-season. It is not that the object is broken (or not to a greater extent than other pre-season items), but its ability to make tanks They climb to the late game has become too frustrating for some players. In addition, there is a few champions that take a lot of game (we recommend you try it in Shen) and that because of it they are too broken. All this leaving its exceptional synergy with the titanic hydra.

Everything points to a power reduction for Havana over the next few days, although the situation will not be easy to solve for Riot Games. There are many characters that are offering a very high performance and the developer still needs to finish calibrating the items and systems to return the balance to League of Legends. In principle and except for very exaggerated cases, the company's intention is not to make too many adjustments to the champions until the ends, the distribution of experience in the upper lane or the new jungle.

The first emergency patch of this' medals will arrive in League of Legends in an imminent way, although it will not include power reductions to the champions. In that sense, it is a good time to use the most broken heroes of the game and increase our MMR for the restart to the qualifying games that will take place at the beginning of the season 13. It is clear that the pre-season bankers are not the most important of the year, but they can help us start 2023 in a much more favorable position.


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